Sunday, November 14, 2010

A little something about Egypt

People might think that being a country of desert the population of the country must be really small, however on the country the population of this country is no where small. Egypt has a total population of 78,866,635 and she is ranked 16 among all the countries all around th world. Egypt is most famous for their ancient culture. Every year tons of tourist visit Egypt just to experience the ancient Egypt's many wonders. The pyramids of Egypt are classified as one of the 7 wonders of the world. 

These pyramids are built during the 3rd dynasty of Egypt and closed in the 6th dynasty. At that period of time transporting those huge boulders of stones or bricks are almost impossible and it has not been achieved but any other country as successful as Egypt. 

Many movie are film with Egypt's ancient culture as the main focus. Movies like The Scorpion King, The Mummy and many more. The Book Of Death in the movie the mummy is not a frictional item, it is in fact a fracture item. These books can be found in many of the ancient tombs all around Egypt. 

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